Welcome to the ICTs in education blog! Well my take on it at least. From a young age I’ve been a complete nerd (far too excited by gadgets and computers) and am presently a deputy principal at Albany Senior High School in Auckland, New Zealand. The work on this blog has started as a progression of the thinking and awesome collaboration that took place while I was a community facilitator of the English in ICTs list on English Online.
On this blog, I’ll attempt to consider:
- How ICTs can be used in our teaching - including teacher professional learning and the Teaching as Inquiry model.
- How ICTs can be used for student learning - as a natural part of whatever learners are doing rather than an end unto itself.
- In what ways our view of ICTs, e-learning and technology influence our understanding of their relationship with learning.
Please place feedback on any of the views expressed in this blog. Even if (or possibly particularly if) they are contrary to those of the author. Technology has created a world in which collaboration is massively important in the creation and synthesis of knowledge where the consideration of the perspectives, arguments and ideas of each other is a sure way to improve outcomes for our students. ICTs (computery stuff that can help with this) offer some pretty awesome teaching and learning potential here and the more we can discuss them the better.
I hope some of the ideas you come across here get you thinking and further inform your own ideas about the contexts your are in! I’ll be posting a new blog entry every fortnight and rebooting the odd entry from way back. So if you’ve been in the community from the ICTs in English days you might remember some of the ideas.